Friday, September 16, 2005

Here's a Funny One

Last year, the UPS guy rings the bell. I'm thinking "cool, I'm getting a package". Turns out he needs a signature on a package for Patti. I think for a moment and tell him I can't sign for it. Since she doesn't speak to me, I figured I would avoid the trouble and not sign for the package. I felt bad for the UPS guy since he would have to come back later. But he moves down to the next house where she refused to sign for the package too! After this, I think even the UPS guy started to find it comical. Probably figures what kind of fruitcake she must be if her neighbors won't sign for a package for her.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The First Day of School

Ahhhh, the first day of school. It is an interesting dynamic in this neighborhood about riding the school bus. The big question of who waits where and with whom. There are mothers who have to leave for work before the school bus comes. It's always an ordeal of who will watch their kids. Of course, what you see today could change next week. They always seem to change their minds about watching someone else's kid. Luckily for me I've never been asked and I am probably the only one that is guaranteed to be home. Oh well.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Well, it must be fall

The scarecrow is out. That means the corn stalks and hay bales can't be too far behind. Every year Patti way over decorates for fall. So today, the 4th of July stuff came down and fall began. There will be more decorations to come over the next few weeks. I think the halloween decorating is getting out of hand lately. I even saw keepsake ornaments in the store the other day. What's next, the halloween tree???

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